At a minimum get a fresh deck of cards, enough chips for all the players (a set of 500 should be good) and a felt poker tabletop. Make the reunion feel like a special event by investing in a professional poker setup. But that doesn’t give friends the real poker playing experience. Sure, you can sit around the kitchen table to play a hand of poker. Send out invites at least two weeks before the poker night and request that people RSVP by a certain date. You’ll need to know how many people plan to play in advance in order to get everything else ready. Here are a few ways you can stack the deck so your poker night makes people want to get together again and again.
You can DIY your own poker night or hire the professionals to throw a blow-out casino party in San Antonio for a large groups of friends. It’s an activity that promotes interaction and discussion among the group without distracting from the game at hand.
Many groups of friends get together to enjoy a common interest, which is why poker nights are so popular. If you’ve been missing the bonds of friendship, it might be time to get your old gang back together.
It's so powerful that people with strong friendships have a lower risk of depression, high blood pressure and obesity. Friendship is an important part of our emotional well-being.